Exploring geographical data with SparkR and ggplot2
The present analysis will make use of SparkR’s power to analyse large datasets in order to explore the 2013 American Community Survey dataset, more concretely its geographical features. For that purpose, we will aggregate data using the different tools introduced in the SparkR documentation and our series of notebooks, and then use ggplot2 mapping capabilities to put the different aggregations into a geographical context.
Linear Models with SparkR 1.5: uses and present limitations
In this analysis we will use SparkR machine learning capabilities in order to try to predict property value in relation to other variables in the 2013 American Community Survey dataset. You can also check the associated Jupyter notebook. By doing so we will show the current limitations of SparkR’s MLlib and also those of linear methods as a predictive method, no matter how much data we have.
Data Science Engineering, your way
Today we just made public a series of tutorials on Data Science Engineering. In them we will try to compare how different concepts in the discipline can be implemented in the two dominant ecosystems nowadays: R and Python.