Rapid Single-Page Application prototype with AngularJS & jsFiddle

Imagine we have just developed a brand new RESTful API, and we want to demostrate how easy is to use it and how quickly we can develop Single-Page Web applications. An elegant way of building a prototype aplication is by using AngularJS and jsFiddle.

Ridge regression model selection with R

If recently we used best subset as a way of reducing the unnecessary model complexity, this time we are going to use the Ridge regression technique.

Best subset model selection with R

Linear regression models are easy to fit and interpret. Moreover, they are suprisingly accurate in many real world situations where the relationship between the response and the predictors is approximately linear. However, it is often the case that not all the variables used in a multiple regression model are in associated with the response.

About Java project and package organization

There is a heated debate about what is the most appropriate organization and naming convention of Java packages and projects and, by extension, software modules. The two approaches are ‘by abstraction layer’ (e.g. model, controller, view, etc) or ‘by feature’ (e.g. account). I find that, at least at an inside-tier level (e.g. application level), the later approach makes more sense. That is, a tier will be contained in a project (e.g. web-service or core) where packages are organized by features. Inside of these packages I reproduce the different abstraction layers in sub-packages if needed.