Dangers of inheritance in OO programming

Note: The following ideas are part of what is considered today good practices in the Java development community, and are very well explained in the book Effective Java (2nd Edition) by Joshua Bloch.

Adaptive control systems and Scrum

One of the main goals of Scrum is to over-perform traditional and waterfall-like project management frameworks when dealing with requirements. The complexity of finding out what a system has to do and how, is far from being trivial. Assuming that the system requirements can be determined at the very beginning of the project is considered today a very naive approach that relies, at least, in two fallacies. First, that the client knows what she or he wants the system to do. Second, that this is the right thing to do, and that is not going to change during the development of the project.

Enterprise Integration of QoS-aware systems

ServiceDDS is a framework for integrating independently developed real-time components into dynamic and decentralized distributed architectures.

Enterprise Integration vs Distributed Systems

Recently, as a part of my PhD defence, I had to discuss the concept of Enterprise Integration, and I decided that a good way of doing it was as a comparison with a more familiar concept, system distribution.