ServiceDDS is a framework for integrating independently developed real-time components into dynamic and decentralized distributed architectures.
It is based on the Data Distribution Service (DDS) specification for data-centric communications. The current version is implemented using the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ). It provides to developers with several integration tools based in different paradigms like Service Oriented Architecture, Event Driven Architecture or Complex Event Processing.
It also provides support for guaranteeing the real-time integrity of the integrated components through scheduling analysis, admission control protocols, cost enforcement or memory management.
This is a research project. It is not intended for production. Moreover, some of its parts are not functional yet. However, there are some components and ideas here that worth to be shared among the DDS and RTSJ community.
- Dianes, J.A.; Díaz, M.; Rubio, B, .”Using standards to integrate soft real-time components into dynamic distributed architectures” Computer Standards and Interfaces. Elsevier. Available online 15 October 2011
- Dianes, J.A.; Díaz, M.; Rubio, B.,“ServiceDDS: A Framework for Real-Time P2P Systems Integration,” Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), 2010 13th IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.233,237, 5-6 May 2010. Available onlie